Pan Is a mythologIcal half human–half goat manIfestatIon of forest and anImal spIrIts that would help or hInder humans at whIm. ClIent: Pan CAFE, DesIgn OffIce: GeoID, InterIor DesIgn: Halil Doğan, Concept Idea: Mahmut Anlar, IllustratIons & GraphIcs: Selim Ekmen

The geometrIc structure of the logo based on cIrcles and straIght lInes. ThIs generated the complete form of the character DESIGN OF THE PROJECT. The logotype orIgInated from the sImple stylIsatIon of syrInx, PAN's famous musIcal Instrument.

Photo: Nejat Çiftçi

Photo: Selim Can Çelik

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